Change placement of newsletter subscriptions in Magento My Account area
The Magento My Account area is actually pretty well thought out as a "one size fits all" solution, however, sometimes it's not quite right for some of our clients.
In this project, which took just 3 hours to complete, we were required to;
Move the Newsletter Subscriptions section to the bottom of the account summary page.
Within the Newsletter Subscription section the Newsletter and Catalogue options were to be ticked by default and the 3rd party option not ticked.
Remove the My Applications menu option
In the first image below, we show you how the page originally started out.
Now, as you can see from the next image below, showing the completed page, there is a much nicer flow to the account summary page. All of the account information being located together at the top and all of the subscription sections now being combined together at the bottom.
The removal of unrequired areas, such as the My Applications section in this project, means we only offer an account holder areas and information that is completely relevant. This results in a much happier My Account area :)
If you feel you could benefit from talking to one of our Magento specialists, then please get in touch.